Thursday, September 9, 2010

Swinging Time!

Along with our trip to the river, we went over to the park to swing. Oh how I used to love to swing at parks. I was thrilled that we had one so close by, sadly though, I haven't swung is who knows how many years, and so I could only swing for like 6 minutes before I felt sick and had to stop :( So instead I took some fun pictures of Kristen!
*One thing I never expected from provo was the potty mouths off of these little kids you see in the picture on the playground! You wouldn't believe the words coming out of their mouths!
Kissy Swingin....

Some of you I know are nature freaks, so here is a decent "naturey" picture of the woods in the back of our house

Still swinging ever so high.... She swung for a long time actually Lol


mandy said...

it's cause you live in south provo

Unknown said...

We live right by this park! We play there a lot too!