Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween "Desk" Decorating Contest!

Every Halloween my work has a Halloween Desk Decorating Contest and a Costume Contest. They also do trick or treating for the kids the friday before Halloween. We are WAY into halloween here. I personally have not yet decorated, Although I am starting to definately feel the pressure. So, I think today after work I might have to hit up the dollar section at the target again. Below though, are the 3 desks that have decorated so far.

This is my best work friend Katie's desk. She is way way way WAY into halloween. It's like her favorite holiday ever. This is what she has so far... When I went over to take a picture of her desk there were other gizmos and gadgets that still looked like they needed a place, so this is her desk SO FAR.
This is Brians Desk. His looks real cool up close and personal. The other day he made spider web hats for us to wear, freakin' hilarious. Thankfully, I haven't been prompted to wear it again. He likes having the empty cube between us because he can use it plus his desk for decorating.

This is my supervisor Christine's desk. Cute and simple. Just how she likes it.

Our lobby is also fully decorated in the Halloween spirit. Tomorrow once I get my desk all decorated I will post my desk and pictures from the lobby. I'm not sure what the prize is for winning the desk decorating contest but I am sure it is good! All the prizes here are worth participating in! Happy Halloween Festivities!


Katie (and Ken) Baldwin said...

That is hilarious! I didn't even see you sneak over to take a pic of me! Yes, my desk is in process. We'll see how far I get toward the vision of Halloween I have. : ) How I love Halloween!!!

Frieda said...

I wish we had Halloween fun at my office, but NO,we do not.

mandy said...

did you decorate? i wanna see some pics!

Maren said...

I am going to decorate, but not until like Thursday. Because, I am being alice, and so I am going to decorate my desk as an "Alice in Wonderland" display!